Stable Consulting Engineers

Client focused, efficient, and honest engineering

Stable Consulting Engineers is a structural engineering company based in Auckland, New Zealand. Our team of chartered engineers specialises in the design and seismic assessment of buildings, ensuring that our clients receive reliable, high-quality services.

Our Services

  • Our team of expert engineers has years of experience designing a wide range of commercial buildings, from retail stores and office buildings to warehouses and manufacturing facilities. We use the latest tools and technologies to design structurally sound and seismically resilient buildings that meet your specific needs and requirements.

  • Our team uses advanced equipment and techniques to evaluate your building's seismic performance to determine their %NBS (percentage of the New Building Standard), identifying potential weaknesses and providing effective solutions to ensure that your building is safe and resilient.

    We offer seismic strengthening services that comply with the Earthquake Prone Building requirements under the New Zealand Act, ensuring that your building local and government requirements.

    Our seismic expertise allows building to be assessed to their true capacity and minimize any potential costly strengthening.

  • We have extensive knowledge and expertise in designing residential buildings of all types, from single-family homes to multi-unit townhouse development. We use the best practices and techniques to ensure that our designs are structurally sound and aesthetically pleasing.

    Our team of engineers is committed to providing high-quality service, and we pride ourselves on our ability to deliver projects on time and within budget.

  • We understand that building construction is a complex and time-consuming process that requires constant monitoring and supervision to ensure that everything goes according to plan. That's why we offer comprehensive construction monitoring services to ensure that your project stays on track, meets the required standards, and is completed within budget.


Stable consulting engineers is always on the lookout for the best engineering talent. If you’re interested in joining us, contact us today.

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